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Scriptural Sunday: Gentle words – Proverbs 15:1


“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Proverbs 15:1

 (I’m sorry this didn’t get posted yesterday.  I hope you all will forgive me!)

Some mornings are better than others. Some days are better than others. But this morning, I found myself getting easily irritated at Mister Mouse. He’s been on a bit of a terror streak lately and I guess that combined with trying to get everyone ready to leave the house (for church no less) by8:30was more than my feeble nerves could take. I am ashamed to admit it. I got upset with him. I raised my voice at him. And did it help? NOT.ONE. BIT!!

So why do I continue to think it will? Ugh!!! Then, I get frustrated with myself and we’re all in a pickle! So, I sat down at the computer, which is not something I do on a Sunday morning (or any morning we’re trying to get out the door early), but I needed to find something before church. As I opened my email, I noticed my Daily Bible Verse email staring me in the face. I opened it and what do ya know…it’s exactly what I needed to read.

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” –Prov 15:1

WOW!!!! Was that a slap in the face or what?! It was literally like God hit me over the head with a 2×4!! Like He was saying, this is what I’m talking about! I always say I had patience before I had kids. But, the truth is…I really didn’t. I just didn’t put myself in situations that required it. I steered clear of things I knew irritated me and sometimes that included people. I knew my limitations. Then, I had kids. And that all went out the window!! My patience has been tried and tested more times than I care to count. And I have failed more times than I care to admit.

But, I’ve realized that I can’t do this alone. It’s not within my own power to change. I must humble myself before God and seek his help and his strength. I may get up in the morning with the best of intentions and think today is the day that I keep it all under control. And 20 minutes later I’ve raised my voice twice and I’m threatening a grounding. WHAT?! What happened? I was ready to do it! But, that’s just it – I can’t do it. I must daily, hourly and let’s face it – sometimes every minute – ask for God’s strength to change me. Change my heart, my mind and give me the strength to use gentle words and soft tones. Yes, my kids may look at me strange and it may take several days or even weeks for it to sink in that Mom is no longer going to get your attention by raising her voice. But, eventually it will. They will learn that soft spoken words and gentle speech is the “new” norm. Then they will in-turn follow my example and begin to speak softer, holler less often and use gentler, kinder words.

Oh what a day that will be!!!! I’m rejoicing already!! Now, don’t get me wrong…I like my kids running and playing with each other, but there is a BIG difference between yelling when you want something and yelling because you’re having fun. And I’d much rather hear the fun laughter yells than the whiney, screaming, fit-throwing yells.

What has the Lord been teaching you this week? Feel free to share in the comments below or leave a link to your own post!



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